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tv   CNN This Morning  CNN  May 22, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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♪ >> all right "guardians of the galaxy volume 3" with chris pratt who is also in this week's third biggest flick. >> i don't know! >> yeah all counts on us. >> mario! >> no pressure. >> yeah, this one's been on top of this list for quite sometime, hasn't it? that's the supermario brothers movie. thanks for joining me this monday morning, everybody, i'm christine romans. have a great day. "cnn this morning" starts right now. monday monday morning always comes faster than we expect. i'm so glad you're here. i said welcome to the best shift on earth. >> i was shocked. because it's too early. >> amen. we start your week. i'm glad you're here. i'm really glad you're here. kaitlan is off.
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she'll be back later this week. we're lucky to have the brilliant and beautiful sarah sidener with us. let's get started. ten days left, that's it. the debt negotiations are deadlocked. the the president and house speaker set to meet soon. >> the republican 2024 feel is expanding. >> tim scott is about to announce his bid today. governor ron desantis is about to jump in later this week. and a cnn exclusive. paul whelan, the u.s. says is wrongfully imprisoned in russia, called cnn from behind bars. his message, he's confident the wheels are turning towards his release. >> a man accused murdering four university of idaho students will appear in court today. efface fours counts of murder and one count of burglary. and we have liftoff. a spacex rocket commanded by a
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woman is set to dock at the international space station this morning. it's only the second private mission ever. but nasa hopes this is just the beginning. cnn this morning starts right now. >> all right. here's where we begin this morning. president biden overnight racing back to washington for debt limit negotiations. just hours from now, he set it meet with kevin mccarthy at the white house. there is less than ten days left now to reach a deal and sppreve a default. they're demanding huge spending cuts. he told the latest proposal from republicans is unacceptable. >> i can't guarantee that they wouldn't force a default by
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doing something outrageous. i can't guarantee that. i think there are some maga republicans in the house who know the damage it would do to the economy. and because i'm president and president is responsible for everything, bide woen take the blame. that's one way to make sure biden is not re-elected. >> biden and mccarthy spoke while the president was flying home. mccarthy called that talk productive. let's go to lauren fox. to you, arha, the president cut the trip short. cut off two important legs so he could be in washington for what is going to happen today. what do we expect? >> president biden trournd washington the way he left it, without any clear resolution in sight to avert a default. a bit later today, president biden and kevin mccarthy will sit down for another high stakes
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meeting, highlighting the urgency of the moment. the two of them spoke by the phone yesterday as the president traveled back on air force one. and that led to negotiators from both sides coming to the negotiating table last night on capitol hill. the two sides met for about 2 1/2 hours. they looked to work through the vast differences that remain whether it comes to reaching a budget agreement. one of the key sticking points is around spending levels. the white house wants to keep spending at the current year's levels while republicans want to see it cut back and reverted back to fiscal year 2022. but the president over the weekend really highlighted he believes the republicans' proposals that were recently put forth over the weekend, they amount to extreme positions. it is the white house's believe that republicans need to realize that this needs to be a bipartisan deal which will
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require compromise and some movement from gop positions. but bottom line here, the president, speaker mccarthy, they're facing very serious time constraints. yesterday we heard treasury secretary janet yellen reaffirm she believes the u.s. could default on the debt as early as june 1st. really highlighting the urgency, the fact this is a very fast moving situation and really that the leaders -- that president biden and speaker mccarthy need to act very quickly in order to avert a default. for the time being, it still remains -- it appears the differences are vast. >> let's go to lauren now. earlier, poppy mentioned mccarthy has a narrow majority in the house. how does thim s impact his strategy? we're at crunch time now. >> yeah, sarah. he doesn't have the kind of negotiating room that he would have if he had a larger republican majority. in the back of his mind, it has to be this reality that he is going to lose conservative
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votes. if if he actually makes a bipartisan deal with president biden. and that calculus, whether or not he is going to be willing to potentially put his speakership on the line for that deal is something that is looming large in these negotiations. also looming large is the reality that these two men have a very untested relationship. they really haven't spent that much one-on-one time together. they never spent that much time in the previous two years when biden was president and you had mccarthy in the minority at that point. so there is a huge question mark right now whether or not their relationship really can get this deal over the finish line. like she mentioned, the negotiations over the weekend happened in fits and starts. with both sides trading back and forth proposals that other side argued were unreasonable. i talked to one republican last night who told me that they feel like right now this deal is just hanging by a thread. whether or not they can actually
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find a way forward is a major question mark. and like you noted, time is running short. to move this through the house of representatives would take several days, at least 72 hours for members to look at a plan and vote on it. in the senate, it could take longer. of now that is always possible that they could move more expeditiously. but as kevin mccarthy noted over the weekend, he has been planning for potentially the senate to need seven days. maybe they need less than that. that gives you a sense of how short we are running on time. >> wow. seven days. ten minus seven is three. so that means they have three days to figure this out? >> that's the question. things move much more quickly in the senate when they need. to mccarthy said he thought they may need a whole week. >> i can't believe you're doing math at this hour. that's really good. that's why we have christine romans here. >> thank goodness.
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>> you have been, you know, talking about this ad nauseam over and over and over again. you said something that really sent shivers down my spine. you said if we didn't pass the debt limit, we would see our living standards go back in time. >> this is uncredibly dangerous. we have $56 billion in the bank this morning. we have a bunch of bills coming due next month. there will be money coming in from state tax receipts and the like. to be playing it this close is really, really dangerous. you're talking about ious for service members. you could have delays in soeshl security check. think about the senior that can't go to the store to buy
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milk and bread for week because they don't get their check. it starts to go down the food chain. and it's very dangerous. to say nothing of what it means for financial security, remember, the entire global financial system is built on the american treasury bond. and this is something that the world hungers for. they go and they buy as safety hour bonds. its not sign of weakness, everybody. it's a sign of strength that the american security is so sought after around the world. you start to undermine the underpinning of that. you heard the dollar, instability of the dollar is very competitive. the whole thing is a real hot mess. >> there are former colleague now from "new york times" i thought wrote a great piece over the weekend they have to be
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thinking we're next. that up ends the trust of the u.s. government. >> that's how that plays into china's hands or the hands of competitors who would like to see a world not based on the dollar where the u.s. treasury is not the king of the hill. it is. and the u.s. will pay interest on its debt. i'm sure. it would be devastated if they defaulted. to do that, you have to make big cuts and sacrifices elsewhere. it is sign of weakness and poor planning. there is a serious discussion about america's national debt growing so large that chokes our country in the decades in the future. that serious conversation is not had around the debt ceiling drama. it is about discussions in the budget budgeting process.
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this is money that is already spent. the spending part of the conversation has to happen in a much more meaningful way than this. this is distraction. this is not discipline. this is distraction. this is drama. this is not discipline what you're seeing here. >> i'm old enough to remember the deficit clock ticking down. >> you were in front of it this weekend. >> i saw the show on broadway in the theater district they have it. there it is right at $31.4 trillion. but you're right, i remember doing that too. now it is stuck. and needs to be raised or all of us will have -- all of us are going to feel it either in your stock investments or your senior citizens. >> pel grants, so much. >> all of it. >> thank you so much. >> so this morning the russian group is claiming to have fully captured the city after the war. president zelenskyy is denying the claims by the wagner group. speaking of the g-7 summit, russia destroyed almost all of the eastern city though.
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>> the russians say they have taken bakmut. >> i think no. but you have to transent there is nothing. they destroyed everything. there are no buildings. it's a tragedy. but for today, bakmut is only in our hearts. >> cnn's clair he is baestian joins us sebastian. he said bakmut is only in our hearts. he said it is in complete devastation. do we know is bakmut captured by the russians? >> yeah. it's really mercury. we have the ukrainian start of the story, russian side and in the mix, wagner. a lot of competing versions of events. what we know as of this morning from the russian side, russian-backed official in the region saying they started
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demining operations in the city, trying to make a show of some post liberation cleanup there. the wagner chief is sthag they are putting up defense lines on the western edge of the city. he is preparing to leave, he said, with his forces starting on thursday. perhaps that and other challenge to the russian ministry of defense. the infighting that we've seen in recent weeks. we've seen with the deputy minister, a dmcompletely differt version. they said fighting continues, ukraine continues to continue on the flanks. most of the gains have been on northwest and southwest of the city, perhaps an attempt to encircle that city. she also says they were thin control of some houses. so it clearly has huge propaganda value for russia.
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we've seen that flag show up multiple times on state media ukraine unwilling hand to them that propaganda victory. >> not as much strategically critical but certainly it's a huge win propaganda wise, as you said, for russia if that's the case. clair, we appreciate your reporting from london. thank you. >> ahead, another republican is set to officially announce he's challenging donald trump for the republican presidential nomination. and he already has some big name endorsements. also, paul whelan calling cnn from inside the russian prison camp. what he said in that exclusive interview. that's ahead. >> my life is less valuable or important than others who have been previously traded.
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oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah. just hours from now, we're expecting another gop candidate to jum innep into the 2024 race. tim scott's team is teasing major announcement today at charleston southern university. he filed the official paperwork to run on friday. he's been testing the waters for months now hitting early voting states like iowa, new hampshire, and his home state of south carolina. we're live in charleston this morning. nikki haley also hailing from south carolina. now scott. looked like he is going to enter the race.
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that means two republicans from south carolina battling it out. what do you expect to hear today? >> senior campaign officials say that faith and optimism. he spent the past several weeks speaking to vote aernz the -- voters in new hampshire. he returned to south carolina to formally launch his bid for the white house. >> he's the only black republican in the united states senate. >> the story of america is not defined by our original sin. the story of america is defined by our redemption. >> south carolina's tim scott now has sights set on the white house. leaning on his compelling personal story and policy credential, scott joins a growing republican primary field, currently led by former
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president donald trump. >> when you adhere to the principles in the gospel, human flourishing cannot be stopped, period. advisors say scott will make his faith a corner stone of his presidential campaign. >> see, i was raised by a single mother in poverty. the spoons in our apartment were plastic, no the silver. but we had faith. we put in the work and we have an unwaivering belief that we, too, could live the american dream. >> first selected to congress in 2010. scott was appointed to the senate in 2012. by then, governor nikki haley who launched her own presidential bid in february. >> i think fresh faces goes a long way. >> scott is sticking to the message of hope over hostility. that his defined his career. >> i'm looking forward to optimistic positive leadership that is anchored in conservative principles. >> back at the senator's home
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church near charleston -- ♪ there are hundreds of worshippers that see him most weekends. >> he has commitments to be in church 40 weekends out of the year. >> including his long time pastor and friend. >> i think a misconception that people might have about him is that his niceness, his humility translates as weakness. and they don't know the tim scott that i know. i would like to -- i like to kind of see it as an iron fist in a velvet glove. >> did he talk to you about running for president? >> sure. >> and did you give him any advice? >> i said as an american citizen, i would be excited to see tim scott as president of
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the united states. as your friend, i can't think of a reason why you'd want that job. and, so, that was my vice to him. >> so senator scott did have an early stumble out of the gate. that is on this question of abortion. not committing to a federal abortion ban or not giving a clear answer to that question. curious to see how he addresses this in his formal launch. this is going to be a central issue in this republican primary. sarah? >> all right. thank you so much. from charleston, north carolina. >> great reporting. let's talk more about this with our political analyst john avalon and correspondent for "the new york times." good morning. >> good morning. >> good to have you. also interesting fact i learned over the weekend, the only black person that served in both chambers of congress as well. john, i believe you were the first to write a column back in the day saying nikki haley, the ven governor of kk kk should put
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tim scott in the seat. >> now they're both running. >> south carolina. the eyes of the nation turn to you. my folks move to south carolina 30 years ago. i know south carolina politics. and i think the fact that nikki haley and tim scott are both running speaks to the deeper diversity of the republican bench in the south than people think. and i think both are going to be very -- play significant roles. >> he said the mess of the country is opportunity not oppression. that could sell twwell to a national audience. >> look at his story.
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>> exactly. the way he says, look, my faith journey, conservative christian principles are what led me to p pinnacle of a place in the u.s. senate. that can be a compelling message. you swee with cnn reporting backing him for president. that speaks the fact that he is respected among his peers, something that other frontrunners can't necessarily say. >> i read that when it comes to nikki haley who is also from south carolina, governor, is also running. that one of her friends from high school had to have very uncomfortable conversation with her saying i'm going to back tim scott. i think the question to you, shane, is this optimism that he's had, he hasn't had the thing she's had which is really tough races where it's between him and someone eliminatse and battle. he is battle tested enough? >> it's easy to be optimistic when you're not in the middle of
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a dog fight. tim scott has not been in the middle of a dog fight. he was pintappointed to this sey nikki haley. at the national stage, he hasn't gotten into a tussle yet. he does have an optimistic message. when you're in crowds, republican crowds really like that message. but when you talk to republican primary voters, and when you talk to republican political strategists, the mood of the republican electorate is dougher. trump is talking about fighting. so tim scott, he's bringing a completely different approach much it's one of the reasons that almost everyone running for president has tim scott on their list. he he brings a different balance to a ticket. i don't think you should discd discount nikki haley. you can make the strong case that tim scott's rise was a dog
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fight. you know, city council, congress for being the son of a single mother. that is a dog fight. the fair criticism, i think, is that he hasn't had executive experience. and the presidency an executive job. and i think we often overlook that. but he could make a really major impact on this race in a positive way. not only for the republican party but for the republicans. >> i am really struck by his story. i think everyone who reads it will be if they're not already. but especially this point that he has made throughout his political career. that's the word that he uses. and that's what he ascribes his policy beliefs to. shane, if you could just speak to that a bit and how it sets him apart from others in the field at this point. >> i mean, part of his identity is that he's one of the only leading black republicans in the country. and when you -- i read his most recent book. it is a really compelling story.
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the life story is an incredible story. when he gave the state of the union response, he saw an outpouring of on line donations organically. this is something that republicans don't get. and so the base of the republican party remains mostly white voters. so his message is really also appealing to those white voters saying, look, i got ahead. i am where i am and you don't have to embrace larger democratic governmental programs to advance black people in america. can you get there the way i did, too. it really hit that message. it does appeal to the base of the republican party. >> thank you guys so much. >> thank you. >> a man facing a manslaughter charge over the choke hold death of jordan kneely on a new york city subway is speaking. what he says he would do if he were in that situation again. >> new this mother, meta is slapped with a $1.3 billion fine by european regulators. why they claim -- what they
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an exmarine wrongfully detained in russia for fuhr years got to speak to the world in an interview from cnn. he is accused of espionage in russia. he called cnn from a remote prison camp about 200 miles outside moscow. >> i've been held hostage for more than 52 months. the only crime i committed in russia is being an american citizen. >> during that call, whelan urged the united states to speed up efforts to get him released finally. kylie atwood is here. thank you so much for coming in. this is remarkable to hear from him from one of those prison camps where life is absolutely horrific. can you tell us what else he had to say? >> when you speak about it being horrific, he spoke about forced labor. he spoke about the conditions
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being incredibly poor. that's why even though he is hopeful that biden administration is doing everything they can to try to bring him home, the thrust of his message is that he wants them to move along more quickly. >> yeah. >> paul whelan, an american wrongfully detained in russia for more than four years. he is speaking to cnn from a russian prison. >> i remain positive and confident on daily basis that, you know, the wheels are turning. i just wish they would turn a little bit more quickly. >> reporter: the last time he spoke with cnn by phone was in december. shortly after, the release of wnba star brittaney griner, a second swap that didn't include whelan. today he hears the possibility of being left behind again. his tone is more optimistic. >> i'm more confident now. you know, i feel that my life shouldn't be considered less valuable or important than others who have been previously
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traded. i have been told that although evan's case is a priority, mine is also a priority. >> and he is a "wall street journal" reporter detained by russian authorities almost two months ago. just like whelan, he has been charged with espionage. >> evan went to report in russia to shed light on the darkness. >> officials are scouring the globe for option that's could draw them to the negotiating table and secure the release of both men. paul's sister took a bold step when she appeared at the united nations security council meeting attend bid russian foreign minister last month. calling on the country to release her brother. >> paul was a corporate security director. he had a job he loved, a home, a life of hope opportunity. all that has been taken away from him by russia, a country that revels in its culture of
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lies. its tradition of hostage diplomacy. >> reporter: he watched her remarks behind bars along with russian prisoners that were stunned. >> it was funny. we stood here in the prison watching the tv and watching my sister speak at the u.n. and everyone was mesmerized that this sort of thing could happen. >> reporter: and his message to president biden is simple. >> freedom is not free when it comes at a price. but the loss of freedom is even more costly. i pay that cost every day russia holds me. please follow-through with your promise and commitments and make my life a priority and get me home. >> and those remarks that you saw there from president biden were at the white house's correspondents dinner. he saw the remarks given that he is in russian prison. the president biden said they're going to keep doing everything they can until whelan is home. and he told our producer that those comments were very
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encouraging to him. >> good to hear his voice. it's good to hear him sounding a bit upbeat even though we all know he is. >> his sister joined us on set a few weeks ago. i'm sure she's very happy to hear him feeling a little bit more upbeat. she's been fighting for him so much. >> thank you. >> so, cnn speaks with former trump attorney tim palatori after he announced he is leaving the former president's legal team. the tense relationship driving his decision. the lawyers around him not getting along. that's next.
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welcome back to cnn this morning. we have new revelations about the inner workings and conflicts among donald trump's legal team. cnn is the first to report paula reid and kaitlan's reporting that top former now top trump attorney tim palatori that
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played a key role in the mara l mara lag investigation. we spoke to him and found out why he left. so, what's it about? >> well, poppy, i think we can best describe this as irreconcilable differences. a messy one. tim pointed the finger squarely at another trump adviser boris epstein saying he was making it impossible for tim and other attorneys to properly represent the former president. i will let tim explain in his own words what he saw as the problem here. let's take a listen. >> he served as kind of a filter to prevent us from getting information to the client, getting information from the client. in my opinion, he was not very honest with us or on the clind on certain things. there were certain things like the searches he attempted to
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interfere with. and more recently as we're coming down to the end of this investigation where jack smith and merrick garland is going to make a decision as to what to do, as we put together our def defense strategy to help educate merrick garland as to how best to handle this matter, he was preventing us from engaging in that strategy. >> you said that boris tried to prevent from you conducting searches? >> this is the searches at bedmi bedminister initially. there was a lot of pushback. he didn't want us doing the search. we had to eventually overcome him. >> so, there he is accusing boris of trying to prevent the legal team from conducting additional searches for classified documents. that is a significant accusation. now spokesman for former president trump responded saying, quote, he is no longer a member of the legal team. his statements regarding current members of the legal team are unfounded and categorically
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false. infighting in trump world is nothing new. but to see it spill out into public view while their client is facing multiple criminal investigations and a criminal prosecution in new york is certainly significant. tim also denied he had to step away from the legal team because he is previously testified before the grand jury. >> paula reid, thank you so much for all of that and your great reporting. you were the first person to come forward to say, hey, another person is leaving the trump team. >> great. thank you. so, a group of tourists about to start a different kind of week long vacation. this one is in space. what's on the itinerary for the three private astronauts. >> to the teams aren't world, well, the future is very bright. and i would like you to dream big, believe in yourself and believe in humanity.
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look at that camera work. less than three hours space tourists are expected to dock with the international space station. this is the second group of these kinds of astronauts heading to the iss. the crew includes three paying customers and a former nasa astronaut. >> separation. >> wow. >> you can see live on your screen that dragon. >> poppy is clapping. >> i am clapping. >> the crew will spend eight days aboard the iss and conduct more than 20 experiments. cnn is live for us this morning at kennedy space center in florida. of how is it going? >> well, sarah and poppy, good morning. things are going pretty well out here. it was a spectacular launch here at kennedy space center yesterday afternoon.
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we're a little over 13 hours into this space mission. and right now that four member crew is trying to catch up with the international space station. taking a look at their schedule today, it looks like they're going to try to dock with iss at around 9:20 in the morning and then around 11:00 in the morning they're going to go ahead and open the hatch. and then some time after that, they're going to meet the other eight snouts astronauts that ar onboard the international space station. the four member crew includes two americans and two saudis. peggy witson is commander. she is a former nasa astronaut. a former kmoncommander of the international space station. she sent 675 days. the other american onboard is the mission pilot. and the two of them are joined by two saudis. a mission specialist and then rihanna barnawi, she is the
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first saudi woman in space. yesterday we heard briefly from all four astronauts after they were a few hours into the space mission. here's what ali said about what it feels like to be in space right now. >> i think, look outside. i look into space. i can't tell. i think this is just the beginning of a great journey for all of us. i hope you guys enjoy it with us. and dream big. >> and for some of the folks that came out to watch this launch yesterday, they were treated to another spectacular sight. p that's because the rocket booster successfully landed here at kennedy center. it was difficult to see. you couldn't miss it because there was a loud sonic boom as it successfully landed here at kennedy space center. sarah and poppy? >> so cool. peggy could fly us to the moon any day. >> literally. >> yes. >> thank you so much for that.
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>> thank you. >> all right. he is facing a manslaughter charge but says if he were in a similar situation he would do the same thing. what the man who put jordan neely in that deadly choke hold is saying as he speaks this morning. ♪ ♪ ♪ voltaren. the y of movement. ♪ before... and bath fitter. before... and bath fitter. if you have a “before” bath, now's the time to call bath fitter to get a beautiful “after.” with our unique tub over tub process, there's no mess or stress. spend smart on a beautiful new bath done right,
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$1.3 billion for violating the european union data protection rules. of it is highest amount any company has ever been fined for breaching the eu rules. they date back to the 2020 landmark policy. is this it? they have to pay it. >> no, they will appeal. they said so already, poppy. i think what matters here is the amount that is being levied or the european union is trying to fine meta with. it reflects frustration. when you look at the statement, they talk of systematic repeated continuous breaches. the problem here, poppy, is that ever since the pact, the deal that allowed the united states and europe to transfer and share data, privacy shield, was struck down by european court.
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once it's on american servers, this opened the door for this particular case. now, despite all the warnings, what they say this is coming to ireland that, is where meta's european headquarters is, they felt that they've had two impose this fine to send a strong signal, they say, that the gp law that you mentioned means that european data needs to be better protected than meta has allowed for it to be. now it isn't over yet. meta says they will appeal. it has, if if it fails, six months to come into line with european regulations. i just want to read you, poppy, the response from meta on this question of data protection. the ability for data to be trons ferd across borders is fundamental to how the global open networks. without giving data, the internet risks being carved out into national and regional silos restricting the global economy. so a strong response in terms of
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the fundamentals of what this means for the market and internet generally. as i say, there will be an appeal. so we will find out more about what happens. but meta also said there is no disruption to the service here's in new york. >> one of the core tenants of gdpr is about telling people what you're doing with your data. right? not just about transferring it but telling users. did they know? >> that's right. i think what comes out of these particular decisions is that in terms of the very strict gdpr rules they have not been informed. people have not been made aware that the dwrat iata is being transferred. when they look at it that, information is not seeing the sufficient safeguards that the european law requests. >> thank you. it's really helpful reporting. appreciate it. >> the man accused of choking to death a homeless man known for his michael jackson impersonations on a new york city subway train says he would do it again if there was a threat and danger.
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daniel penny did his first interview with "the new york post" on saturday. the former marine is facing second degree manslaughter charges and is currently out on a $100,000 bond. he's accused of killing jordan neely nearly three weeks ago. witnesses describe neely getting on the train, acting erratically and screaming he was ready to di die. at one point, penny came up behind him and put him in a choke hold. what did we hear from penny as he talked to the new york post? >> he was trying to paint himself as a normal guy. he said he was not a white supremacy. this had nothing to do with race. when asked if he would do the same thing again, he said he would if there was a threat and danger. now, from witness accounts, we know that jordan neely was acting erratically pt also from witness accounts, he hadn't actually tacked anyone at that point. so that is really the gray area in this particular case.
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and as part of this post interview, penny also said i'm deeply saddened by the loss of life. it's tragic what happened to him. hopefully we can change the system that so desperately failed us. he's been charged with second degree manslaughter. out on $100,000 bail. but his attorney also told me, i think this gives a glimpse into the defense in this case, danny was protecting himself and everyone on that train. about you what the gets lost is that at the time he acted to defend those people, he put his own life and well-being on the line. he had no way of knowing if he would be hurt or killed. now, on the other hand neely's funeral was this friday. his family called for charges more than manslaughter. they want to see this through to an actual conviction. >> thank you for your reporting on this. we'll follow it very closely. >> all right. "cnn this morning" continues right now.


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